Salmon Fishing
King Salmon (Chinook) Fishing

Run timing in the Kasilof River is similar to that of the Kenai, but fishing is usually better on the Kasilof during the early run. Additionally, the Kasilof receives a fair number of hatchery fish affording anglers more opportunity to keep their catch.
Even if King Salmon fishing is slow in the rivers, we can always target them in the ocean. Homer and Kachemak Bay provide year round king salmon fishing. Some portion of these fish are “feeders” weighing 5 to 25 pounds that are transient and will not spawn in rivers located in Alaska. Others are “spawners” or riverbound fish headed to streams to begin their spawning migration. These fish are impressive and can weigh anywhere from 20 to 60 lbs.
May to August 1 for the rivers. All year in the ocean.
back trolling, backbouncing, side drifting, trolling with downriggers in the ocean.
Lower Kenai River, Lower Kasilof River, coastal streams, Homer.
General Regulations:
Kenai River: One per person per day. After retaining a king salmon, you may not fish from a boat for the remainder of the day. No King Fishing Sunday or Monday.
Kasilof River: During May and June 2 per person per day, one which may be a wild fish. One per person per day in July, and no king fishing on Sundays.
Homer: One per person per day, during summer, 2 per person per day rest of year. (King Salmon regulations in Alaska are subject to change at any time based on abundance estimates).
Silver Salmon (Coho) Fishing

Trolling, Spincasting, Back bouncing, Fly fishing.
Saltwater, Kenai, small coastal streams, Kasilof and Flyouts.
General Regulations:
- 2 per person per day on the Kasilof.
- 2 per person per day on the Kenai during August, 3 in September.
- 3 per person per day all year on flyout.
- No fishing for silvers on the Kenai River on Mondays.
Silver Salmon (Coho) Fishing

Kenai Coho (Silver Salmon)

Fishing Regulations:
- Two silver salmon per day through August
- Three silver salmon from September 1st on
- No Coho fishing from a guide boat on Mondays
Kasilof Coho (Silver Salmon)

August through September
Kasilof Coho (Silver Salmon)

Sockeye Salmon (Red) Fishing

Sockeye salmon fishing occurs mostly from the riverbank. When migrating up the river, sockeye tend to hold to the edges where slower current allows them to swim more easily. Many times when water clarity is good, you will be able to see the salmon migrating upriver at about walking speed. When targeting sockeye, timing is probably the most important factor. Correctly timing the tide’s “push” of fish can be the determining factor in the day’s success.
Wade fishing with a 10 weight fly rod.
Kenai and Kasilof Rivers as well as our flyouts destinations.
General Regulations:
The limit for both rivers starts at three fish per person per day. Once the run is projected to meet its goal, the limit goes to 6 per person per day.
Pink Salmon

Pink Salmon